Get In Touch

Platinum Computer Solutions is your computer repair specialist in the Greater New Orleans Area and Mississippi Gulf Coast.

Mailing Address

Post Office Box 10081
New Orleans, LA 70181-0081

Contact Us

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Remote Assistance

Our technicians use Remote Assistant to diagnose problems with your system. This is a secure service which provides a fast remote support and does not require additional software or configuration to work through your existing proxy/firewall and NAT networks.

Safety & Secuirty Solutions

Do you think your computer is safe? Think again!

System Maintenance

Let us maintaining your computer network. Our technicians do the hard work of installing hardware and software upgrades and patches, keeping tools up to date.

Network Monitoring

Proactive 24x7x365 monitoring of your network.

Data Backup and Recovery

Protect your email, client’s data files, personal records.
In about the same amount of time as it takes to check mail, your data can be in the cloud safe and secure.

Strategic IT Planning

Discover new solutions that improve productivity and data security to help plan for future IT needs.

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