Hurricane Preparation

Planning for hurricane season and other potential disasters can be stressful, but we are here to help.




Hurricane Preparation – These steps should be completed before employees are dismissed from work due to a threatening hurricane.  Please follow the guidelines in the plan in addition to the steps listed below. 

Backup Data Files – Although backups should be part of regular procedures, a separate full backup of your critical data should be performed before the office is closed in response to a hurricane threat.  For users who store data files on a network server, your network administrator should perform the backup.  It’s best to use an Offsite Backup Service. It is crucial that a copy of this backup be moved to a secure location an appropriate distance away in order to avoid the possibility that a hurricane would affect both locations.

Computer Storage – As a last step, your computer should be shut down properly and unplugged from the wall outlet.  Do the same for the monitor and all peripherals such as printers, scanners, and speakers.  Move the computer and peripherals away from windows and doors towards the center of the room.  The equipment should be securely supported at least two feet from the floor and covered with plastic sheeting (i.e. trash bag). REMOVE YOUR MAIN SERVER AND EXTERNAL BACKUP DRIVE FROM THE BUILDING AND TAKE IT WITH YOU.


Hurricane Preparation Checklist

Supervisor Action–To Be Done Routinely

  • Keep the Individual Unit Plan available in appropriate locations. Distribute the Unit Plan to all personnel (especially new hires) and periodically review it to ensure that the staff is familiar with its contents.
  • Appoint an alternate who will be responsible in your absence or if people cannot contact you.
  • Review the Individual Unit Plan annually, updating as necessary any of the following:
  • Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all personnel, consultants, services, etc.
  • Names of personnel assigned specific duties.
  • Emergency procedures.
  • Location of supply rooms and local stores.
  • Floor plans.
  • Insurance coverage and physical inventory (take pictures or videotape all facilities and equipment). Maintain a written list of equipment.
  • Make arrangements for appropriate remote storage of critical computer disks, back-up files, and archival records.
  • Plastic and tape to protect electronic equipment.

Individual Unit Plan

  • Individual Action steps are only to be taken when authorized by the department or supervisor. Upon notification of a HURRICANE WARNING status, all personnel should attempt to accomplish the following on an individual basis:
  • Back-up critical files and store them in an off-site location.
  • Turn off (preferably disconnect) all electrical equipment including computers, printers, scanners, lights, etc.
  • If practical, move desks, file cabinets and equipment away from windows and off the floor; store as much equipment as possible in closets or in windowless rooms away from external walls.
  • Clear desk tops completely of paper and other articles. Protect books and equipment by covering with plastic sheeting and using masking tape to secure.
  • In locations where flooding is a possibility, to the extent practical, relocate critical equipment from the ground floor to a higher floor or a higher off-site location.
  • Lock all file cabinets and desk drawers. Lock and secure all doors and windows.
  • Notify your immediate supervisor whether you plan to evacuate, stay at home, or stay on campus; provide an address and telephone number where you can be reached if you evacuate.

We're Here To Help!

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Post Office Box 10081
New Orleans, LA 70181


M-F: 8am - 6pm
S-S: Closed

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