How do I setup Windows updates on a Server?

1. Log onto your Active Directory server that holds the accounts for the required users. 2. Click Start. 3. Click Run. 4. Enter mmc. 5. Click Enter. 6. Click File. 7. Click Add/Remove Snapin… 8. Click Add. 9. Click Group Policy Manager. 10. Click Add. 11. Click...

What is a good Windows Server Logon script?

Windows Server Logon script Logon scripts are very useful. Below is a simple script that can be modified to suit your needs.   @ECHO OFF echo. echo. echo   Welcome %USERNAME% to Platinum Computer Solutions!!! echo   Main Office information system network. echo....

Can power surges wreak havoc?

Besides hardware damages that can be caused by power fluctuations, there are software damages that can occur when the electricity goes off suddenly. The typical problem is the loss of documents that you are working on when the power goes off. You should save your work...
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